January 18, 2014

First Morning in Reggy

Regensburg, Germany

Nothing quite like a sunday morning Regensburg sunrise. The first sunrise of the next 90 more to come.

The morning started early with jet lag still lingering in the students' eyes as they rolled out of bed, most of them for the first time in Germany! We have an incredible opportunity to be a part of a Hillsong United church-plant called Lifestream. There both English and German songs were sung giving the students their first practical German language lesson. The Pastor gave a lesson on faith and how we, like Peter, must at times step out of our comfort zone, out of the boat, and do what God has called us to do. It was a powerful lesson spoken in German, but translated by Kelley Orr through a transmitter and mp3's that students could use to tune in to the message. It was definitely a unique experience!

After lunch we headed out of town to Kelheim, Germany to the oldest monastery in Bavaria thus making it one of the oldest monasteries in all of Germany. This monastery, Weltenburg Abbey, is also located right next to the Weltenburg brewery which is believed to be the oldest brewery in the world established by monks in the 11th Century! The Abbey and brewery are both situated along the beautiful Danube Riverbanks.

A nice stroll behind the abbey and brewery

After visiting the Weltenburg Abbey and brewery we found ourselves en route to a well known castle in Bavaria known to be that of a place of torture for prisoners kept within its walls. The bridge crossing over the crevice in the hillside was probably the longest 20 second walk of these prisoners' lives. For the AMBEXers, it served as a worthy place for Spring '14s first jump shot and an epic conclusion to the day.

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