February 05, 2013

Weimar Academic Tour Part 2

A bust of Friedrich Schiller, another famous German philosopher and good friend of Goethe.  This bust sits in his house, which we visited on Sunday morning.

Hayley, Marcus, and Kaylee enjoy each other's company in Schiller's social room.
Ning (and others) listen to the audio guide in the entrance to Schiller's home.  The audio guides are very helpful during the tours we take here in Germany!

Classic AMBEX group jump shot in front of the Nietzche Archive. 

Nietzche was yet another highly influential German philosopher. Unfortunately, the archive is closed during the winter. Dr. Anderson gave us a bried background of Nietzche in front of the building, formerly his home.
AMBEXers in front of the gate of Buchenwald concentration camp.  The wrought iron reads "to each his own."  The Nazis patronized the inmates by even alluding to independent thought or action.

The 4x10 cell of Pastor Paul Schneider, a strong Christian who was martyred at Buchenwald. He ceaselessly preached the Gospel to his fellow inmates, despite multiple brutal beatings.

A permanent memorial is in place inbetween the sets of ovens in the crematorium.  Pilgrims bring flowers, photos, and other mementos to honor the 17,000 who died at this camp.

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