February 26, 2013

Reformation Tour Part 1

Guten Tag aus Wittenberg! We are having a great time on our History and Theology of the Reformation academic tour so far. Thank you all for the prayers; God has granted safe passage and good health for everyone so far, despite a bit of snow on the roads. The students are engaging directly with the key locations of Germany and the Reformation in particular. Enjoy the photos below, and keep an eye out for another installment in a few days. Tschuss! :)

AMBEXers look upon the cathedral and imperial palace in Dresden.

Group shot with Martin Luther in front of the Frauenkirche in Dresden.

Cassidy, Claire, Ning, and Marcus pose in front of the Ishtar Gate (constructed by King Nebuchadnezzar) in Berlin's Pergamon Museum.

Hayley, Emily, and Dr. Quiggle look at the exhibits in the Pergamon while Karen and Mare diligently take notes.

Group shot in front of the Berlin Wall.
Mare tried to climb the wall, with a little help from Jordyna, Emily, and Kaylee.

Group shot in front of the Reichstag (congressional building) in Berlin.

Karen notes her observations about this exhibit in the German History Museum in Berlin.

Creighton and Kathryn take a break from walking around the German History Museum.

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