January 23, 2008

Student Posts: Eberhardt & Slater

A note by Brian Eberhardt, AmbEx student from Corban College:

In my short time here in the state of Bavaria, I’ve begun to grasp the force that drives the hearty Germans – order and thoroughness. Everything from the number of locks distributed to each apartment, to the complementary structuring of architecture – Germany is an aesthetic novelty.
Entering this program one can expect to juggle condensed courses and the necessary orientation to a foreign culture, language, and expectations, as well as serving in local church ministries, igniting relationships with other students, local believers, and the community at large, and planning travel stints in the myriad of European cities.
As we are still in the experimental-discovery stage, I feel blessed to have the chance to pioneer this new program and look forward to carving out my own unique, stretching, and life-changing adventure.

A note by Emily Slater, AmbEx student from Corban College:

Insignificant and Magnificent
How do I describe a place like Amberg? The view from the windows is of rolling green hills, a patchwork of farms and walking paths, the red roofs of the city pointing upwards to the church on the hill, drizzly clouds shattered by the glint of a winter’s sun off of green bronze spires. The food—the Sauerbraten, Spezi, and Käsespetle - infuse the air with their rich odors. Older gentlemen bundled in scarves and thick coats walk their dogs along the Vils River and store clerks grin as they realize you are at least attempting to speak their language. These things are only a few of the myriad of tiny, insignificant details that make a place like Amberg a magnificent and endearing city.

1 comment:

blogg said...

Great entry y'all. Can't wait to join you. It sounds great.


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