October 31, 2013

Reformation Day!

This evening we celebrate Reformation Day! It is a time of cheer, games, food, music and the fellowship of saints. Reformation Day owes its existence, in no small part, to the very city in which we live-- Regensburg!

Regensburg was among the first cities, if not the first city, to dedicate a day for the observance of the city's reformation to Protestant Christianity. The celebration of this day dates back to the 1570's and is still a civil holiday in many German states. We remember today the tribulations faced and the triumphs won by those Christians before us who stood, boldly and stalwartly, for the truth of God's revelations to humankind. May we be as bold in our faith.

AMBEX at Wittenberg's Castle Church in front of the door where Martin Luther posted his 95 theses!

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