February 02, 2013

Week 2!

Guten Tag!

Our AMBEXers have been busy this week!  With orientation week behind us, it was time to buckle down & hit the books.  Our new professor arrived this past weekend and the students began lectures Monday morning at 8am. 

Dr. Tim Anderson from Corban University is teaching Christian Worldview.  This course dissects major worldviews and seeks to give students a foundational understanding of each through a biblical perspective. The course can be quite stretching as students are challenged to understand & apply these truths to their spiritual walk.

Dr. Anderson and the Christian Worldview class.

Classes run in 2-week sessions Monday-Friday from 8am to noon while in Regensburg.  After lunch, students often study, explore the old city, go out for coffee/doeners/gelato, run errands, do laundry, hang with friends etc. 

On Monday night, a group of students, along with Josh and Dr. Anderson, headed down-town to hear a local band perform at one of the Irish pubs in town. The husband/wife duo covered a variety of American songs... mostly classic rock!  Great times!

Wednesday afternoon, Paula Orr, the director (coach's) wife, and a true Bavarian-German came down to the Student Inn & to teach the group how to Volk-dance! We spent about an hour learning and practicing some "simple" traditional dances. So fun!

Paula (center) teaching us the dance steps.

The AMBEXers bustin some moves :)
After our dance lesson it was time to put our new-found skills to use! We headed to a charming little Bavarian "wirtshaus" (restaurant) for some dinner, volk-music & volk-dance. An age-old custom in Bavaria is for restaurants to provide food & drink for musicians when they play... as such, there was a large table of musicians at the restaurant that night just jamming & singing along together! We had wonderful schnitzel to eat and a great evening of singing, dancing, clapping, and laughing. To top it all off, the musicians played the Chicken Dance for us Americans!  All the AMBEXers got up and gave a rousing rendition of the dance!

The fabulous musicians!  We think they earned their dinner!!

Left to Right: Creighton, Karen, Jordyna, Kaylee, Rachel, Kristi-Joy, Lacey, Marianne, Kathryn, and Corbin.
Left to Right: Darius, Emily, Andy (German student), Dr. Anderson, Ning, Maddie, Bess, Marcus, Matt, J.J.

Left to Right: Amy, Hayley, Johannes, Kelley, Teddi.

Left to Right: (Stephen) Desch, Cassidy, Jess, Paula, Claire, Melissa, (Josh is taking the photo).

Chicken Dance to the max!

Thursday kicked off our first weekly guys/girls prayer time.  The guys (led by Josh) and the girls (led by Kelley) each spent about an hour discussing prayer needs, sharing testimonies, and praying for each other. Such a great way to get to know each other more intimately & grow together in Christ!

One last item: German class with Friedi!  This semester, for the first time, we have brought in someone to teach basic conversational/cultural German to the AMBEXers.  The class does not cost any extra and is not mandatory, but highly recommended, as it is a great way to further immerse one's self in the German experience!  Friedi, our teacher, is studying education at the University of Regensburg.  She is also the wife of Jan, the pastor of the Open Door Church where AMBEXers attend while here.  Students have enjoyed her bubbly personality and practical teaching.  This class meets twice a week from 4:30-6:00 on weeks when the students are in Regensburg.

That's all the latest and greatest from Deutschland!  As always, thank you so much for the prayers and support of AMBEX; we appreciate them greatly. This weekend, the Christian Worldview class will take an academic tour to Weimar, the Athens of Germany.  Be on the lookout for picture blogs soon!  And please play for safe travels and health for everyone.  Vielen Dank!

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

It sounds like you guys are having SUCH a great time! Dr. Anderson is AWESOME! Have such a great time learning from him and hanging out with him : )



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