The first week here in Regensburg is quickly coming to an end. We have been kept very busy getting to know the town and each other better. Most days are spent touring the city to taste the food and learn the history. It has been a truly delightful experience! But the school work load is now becoming a reality, so my easy days of exploring the city without a care in the world are just about over.
The food at the youth hostel (“Jugendherberger” in German) has been wonderful. I am amazed at its quality! Especially after spending the summer dining most often at places like McDonalds and Wendy’s and random hotel’s continental breakfasts while being on the road for my job. For some meals, called “sweet meals,” a dessert is served for the main dish! Those are my particular favorites. Today for lunch, for example, was apple streusel with cream sauce.
One of the many churches we visited. This one is a famous Scottish church.
On Sunday, I went for a run through the old city with a friend (the downtown area of Regensburg). The area is incredible. The old city is on an island in the Danube river, so its (obviously) surrounded by water. It has buildings that have been around since 1200 AD, including the most wonderful and grand structure in Regensberg, St. Peter’s Dom (a cathedral that has to be at least 20 stories tall).
On Sunday, I went for a run through the old city with a friend (the downtown area of Regensburg). The area is incredible. The old city is on an island in the Danube river, so its (obviously) surrounded by water. It has buildings that have been around since 1200 AD, including the most wonderful and grand structure in Regensberg, St. Peter’s Dom (a cathedral that has to be at least 20 stories tall).
After the run we had mass in St. Peter’s. The whole experience was eye-opening. It was a gorgeous structure with acoustics that were magnificent to say the least. But it was mechanical, and it is almost all that is left of the faith of Europe. They follow their religion well, but many don’t have the love of the Savior in their hearts. There is so much need here. The older generation is basically the last of a dying breed of practicing catholics. Faith really is dying here. I have been able to talk with a couple Germans my age so far and all that life is for them is another chance to party. They don’t have many dreams because nothing seems worthwhile to dream about.
mass at St. Peter's Dom
The verses that I have been focusing on these last couple days are Psalm 8:3-4, “When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?” and Luke 1:46-49, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. … He who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name.” They remind me that God continues to humbly satisfy my soul, and that I must acknowledge it with a grateful heart. I can’t ever pretend that I am in need because I have all I need and more.
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