Jonathan & Rachel in Romania
This week students have been on their long awaited "Semester Break"! After saying goodbye to Reformation History Professor, Dr. Quiggle (we'll miss him!) and finishing up class, everyone was looking forward to a week of travel and R&R.
So, where to?
3 students joined local missionaries on a ministry trip to Romania
2 were joined by a friend from the States and are spending the week in the Portuguese sun
2 are exploring lovely Ireland
and 2 were met by their parents for a trip around the UK
Saturday everyone meets back in Salzburg, Austria to start our 9-day Art History Academic Tour. Can't wait for everyone to return! We'll be in Italy for the rest of the week, but may post brief updates on our travels.
Please pray for travel safety, prosperous learning as we visit sights significant to Art History, and love for one another with Christ at the center of our relationships.
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