November 20, 2008

Reading Week & Land of Calvin Academic Tour

This past week students have been reading textbooks in advance of their final course with Dr. Baker joining us from Corban College in Oregon. Some students have also used the week to travel to Ireland, Scotland, France, Saxony, Austria, etc. The Lord allowed a couple of students to share their testimony this week and make lasting friendships with our European hosts.

AmBEx starts its final academic tour this coming week, bringing the semester full circle by intersecting classroom lectures and textbooks with tactile instruction. The itinerary includes several important Reformation sites e.g. Worms, Speyer, Heidelberg, Strasbourg, Geneva, Zurich, Constance, Augsburg, Prague, etc.

AmBEx staff recently received an email from AmBEx Alum, Timothy Krug at Moody Bible College. We are thankful the Lord has privileged us to see AmBex reaping dividends now and for the Kingdom coming through the lives of students, professors and administrators, to His glory.

A note from Timothy Krug:

"My semester is going quite well here in Chicago. I've actually started my linguistics classes now, and I'm loving every minute of it! I've been surprised at how well my German skills have stayed alive and even helped me gain a better understanding of such things as phonetics, phonology, morphology, and syntax. In addition, I've been putting my fairly newfound knowledge of modern Germany and Reformation Germany (etc.) to fairly good use in many more scenarios than I expected. More than that, the leadership skills fostered at AmBEx have definitely come in handy around here!
My time at AmBEx seems to have been worth it for many reasons, academically and spiritually."

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