March 14, 2008

Student Post: Zlatnik

A note by Bonnie Zlatnik, AmbEx student from Corban College

We traveled through the rolling hills and forested landscapes on rickety trains. Arriving in Ceske Budajovice, we adjusted to the Crowns currency and wandered the beautiful streets to the town center square and fountain. Then we found a little cafĂ© with a view of the square and ordered delicious Nutella crepes. It’s strange searching for familiar words in a foreign menu, where I know none of the words. Later that day, we traveled to Ceske Krumlov. The city is lovely with a castle on the hill and a swiftly flowing river at flood stage. We ate dinner at a genuine Czech restaurant, complete with strange, scrumptious foods and cross-cultural miscommunication...the poor waiter! Ah, well, adventures in Bohemia.

On Sunday, once more God smiled on us with sunshine. In a nearby deli, I spent only 85 Crowns (less than 3€) for a delicious breakfast. The waitress gave Emily the wrong sandwich and me the wrong juice, but both were tasty anyway. We shopped for souvenirs, including some local ceramics, and splurged with the help of wonderful prices. The view of Krumlov from the castle was exactly as a small city in the Czech Republic should be: peaceful and dotted with humble red roofs.

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